Products sourced from our warehouse in Denmark typically have a delivery timeframe of 1-2 weeks.
When ordering products from foreign suppliers, the estimated delivery time is typically 4-6 weeks.
After the customer pays for their goods, they can conveniently collect the product directly from the warehouse on the same day.
Delivery area: We only deliver goods in Denmark.
JSOASIS.DK provides personalized delivery services directly to the shipping addresses of customers
Please note that hot tubs are delivered laid on the side on the pallet, same goes with saunas as well.
Please check available access to the final destination as we don't have any lifting equipment to lift the hot tub/sauna over fences, building or something like that. The driver is able to move the hot tub/sauna with pallet truck only (suitable ground is required). Also, if the hot tub needs lifting/carrying then the customer must provide enough man power on the delivery day.
Services within delivery that may be provided to a customer for additional price:
Removal of Packaging: The delivery team can remove the packaging materials, including boxes, crates, and wrapping, associated with the hot tub/sauna. This ensures that the customer does not have to handle or dispose of the packaging themselves.
Placement Assistance: If requested, the delivery team can assist the customer in determining the ideal location for the hot tub/sauna. They can provide guidance based on factors such as space availability, access to utilities, and safety considerations.