- Right of withdrawal
- There is a 14-day full right of withdrawal on items purchased on the website unless otherwise agreed or stated in your order.
- The 14 day period starts on the day the order is delivered.
- You will bear any return costs yourself.
- You cannot cancel the purchase by refusing to receive the item without notifying us at the same time.
- Requests for cancellation must be notified to us no later than 14 after delivery and be received by us no later than 14 days after we have been informed of your use of the right of withdrawal.
- Ønske om brug af fortrydelsesret skal sendes på mail info@jsoasis.dk hvortil standardfortrydelsesformularen bedes være udfyldt og sendt med (jf. formularen nederst i handelsbetingelserne).
- To get a refund, please include bank details in the form of registration no. and account number so that the agreed amount can be transferred directly to corresponding bank account.
- The condition of the item upon return
- You are liable for the deterioration of the value of the item, which is due to handling other than what is necessary to determine the item's nature, properties and function. This means that you must try the item in the same way as if you were shopping in a physical store.
- If the item has been tested in addition to what is described above, it is considered used and of impaired value. This means that if you cancel the purchase, you will receive a small part or none of the purchase amount back. It is up to JSOASIS.DK to assess the condition of the product.
- We do not receive packages sent by cash on delivery.
- Right of complaint
- There is a 2-year right to make a complaint about products in accordance with the Danish Sales Act. The right of complaint applies to all errors in software, material and manufacturing.
- Complaint regarding. Defective situation must be reported to JSOASIS.DK within a reasonable time after receipt. Here, max. two months as a reasonable time, unless otherwise agreed. We reimburse reasonable shipping costs.
- JSOASIS.DK covers the return costs to a reasonable extent.
- Upon return, contact the company:Just- Spa & Sauna Oasis/v Modestas Brazas
Industrivej 1,
8752 Østbirk
CVR: 42 16 64 72
Tlf.: +45 52 72 99 04
info@jsoasis.dk - Complaints are not received if these have been sent on COD.